Origami Artist and Visual Story Teller- Guy Binyamin

Guy Binyamin (Israel) is an origami artist and engineer. Sensitive to the importance of light and color, Guy folds exquisite animals and creatures and presents his models in beautifully creative compositions that tell compelling tales. Guy shared some of his secrets for creating unique origami storytelling magic in a one-hour conversation with members of Origamigos, … Read more

Three in One! – How to Make a Star, a Box and a Cube (S.B.C)

Do you enjoy origami stars? What about origami boxes and origami cubes? My friend Wenhau Chao has created a charming and ingenious origami figure that can change from a star, into a box, then into a cube. A geometric and practical origami model, this is an easy figure and you will be delighted as you make … Read more

Origami Artist – Goran Konjevod

Goran Konjevod is a professional mathematician and theoretical computer scientist. He studied mathematics in his native Croatia at the University of Zagreb (B.S. 1995) and Carnegie Mellon University (M.S. 1998, Ph.D. 2000). Goran worked as a professor of computer science at Arizona State University from 2000 until 2010. Since 2010, he has worked at the … Read more

Origami Designer and Teacher – Rob Snyder

Rob Snyder was invited as an OrigamiSpirit Membership guest speaker. During our hour-long session, Rob shared details about his life and work as an origami artist. Rob has been creating and sharing his unique origami models since 2015. Rob’s original designs have been published by OrigamiUSA, the British Origami Society, the Spanish Origami Association, and … Read more

Origami Fox Love

If you are looking to make an origami fox, you’re in the right place. The tutorial for the fox is here among tutorials for many other origami creatures! Did you know that foxes live on every continent except Antarctica? In the wild, red foxes live in scrub and woodland. But since they are quite resourceful … Read more

Begin Designing Your Origami Figures -Tips From Robert Lang

Have you ever wondered how creators begin designing their own origami models? Origami offers many ways to be creative. These include interpreting and folding someone else’s figure, finding different ways to showcase our figures, or teaching origami in new ways. But many people who love origami at some point puzzled over how origami figures are … Read more