An Easy and Creative Way to Include Origami in Your Journaling

Do you keep a journal? If you’ve never tried journaling, or even if you have, you might draw some ideas and inspiration from this post. I’ve been journaling for many years. It brings solace and a deep connection to my inner creative self. My intended goal is to write daily but it’s not always easy … Read more

Using Origami to Teach Kids Math, Art, Language and Science

Are you a teacher or a home-schooling parent? Did you know that origami can be used in the classroom as a teaching tool? The art of paper folding is excellent to teach and improve math and vocabulary, and to introduce children to different cultures and to concepts of art, science and social studies. In addition, it can help … Read more

How Origami Can Help You at the Market

Many people love functional everyday origami.  While at the market one day with shopping list in hand, I realized I had no pencil to cross off items as I placed them in my cart. But then it dawned on me that I had a useful  origami idea to help me out. Watch this one-minute video to … Read more

All That’s Worth Cherishing Begins in the Heart

Need some help delivering a love message? Try this origami heart messenger, a new addition to our growing group of origami hearts. It will surely work wonders for you! The health benefits of sharing origami love are immeasurable to both the giver and receiver. Besides our health, there is nothing more valuable than those dear … Read more

An Easy Way to Fold Paper into Thirds

Do you ever feel resistant to make an origami model because you need to fold paper into thirds?  The video above shows a very easy technique to fold a square piece of paper for any origami figure that requires folding into thirds. This technique can be applied to folding any rectangular piece of paper into thirds. … Read more

Origami Double-Pyramid Stand for iPhone or Business Cards

Have you ever been adopted by a cat?  A few days ago a little cat appeared at our doorstep. My husband and I  walked around our neighborhood going from house to house looking for her owner. Nobody claimed her. Since she has these lovely heart-shaped markings we decided that while she stays with us (be … Read more