How to Make an Origami Heart-Flower Box

Origami petal boxes with notions inside.

I love how these origami boxes with petals in the shape of hearts function as holders of notions like thread, buttons, pins, or thimbles. These origami boxes could just as easily hold chocolate eggs, pebbles, rose petals, grain, beans, staples, rubber bands, or clips. Carlos Aguilar (El Salvador) designed this lovely box inspired by the … Read more

How to Organize Unruly Desktop Nicknacks… in Style!

I thought of many uses for Ms. Ayako Kawate’s origami accordion box when I first saw it. At the very top of my list was the possibility of organizing paperclips, pushpins, rubber bands, and other nicknacks that always clutter my desk. The box is made with as many modular containers as desired and is easy … Read more

What Do These Origami Figures Have in Common?

Yes, I’m sure you guessed right! They are all modular origami models because they’re made by joining together several separate units. But they also share another common trait! The units used to build each piece are made with variations of the easy-to-make Windmill Base. In their recently published e-book “Origami, La Base Molino” –Origami The … Read more

A Perfect Origami Fashion Accessory

I’m pleased to introduce you to Ironhead, our cat of the day. The colorful ruff she is wearing is made of folded paper. Doesn’t she look like a sixteenth-century Dutch queen? If you fancy making one for your own cat -or yourself, this origami action-model is called Fireworks and was designed by Yami Yamauchi. Below … Read more

Origami Heart Chain and Gift Card

Here is a video featuring two useful modifications of the lovely heart model created by Ildiko Vass. This origami heart was featured in an earlier post. It would make a great decoration for a Valentine’s or Mother’s day gift. What I’ve done here is alter the central locking mechanism of the heart.  Now any number … Read more

Unique Ways to Keep Romance Alive -part 3 of 3

Have you heard it said that bread feeds the body and flowers feed the soul? Using origami hearts  is a cheerful way to show our affection to people we love. Here is a romantic idea that can provide both bread and flowers to your sweetheart at breakfast:  Fold this easy origami heart (Watch video below). … Read more