What Origami do I Fold Today? Get some Inspiration here!

You love origami! You want to make something today but you’re having a hard time deciding what to fold.

Since there are so many tutorials, so many books, and thousands of model choices, sometimes we just can’t make up our minds about what choice to make.

Here I share with you nineteen origami prompts to give you a bit of focus and inspiration.

They are posted for the worldwide celebration of origami known as World Origami Days (Each year from October 24 to November 11) but you can use the prompts at any time. (Read more about WOD below.)

Here is a collection of 19 prompts you can use to be inspired, fold the paper and share it with the world. Celebrating World Origami Days!

Fold and share with us. Join our group FACEBOOK Group by clicking on this LINK

Day 1 An origami model that has WINGSDay 11 An origami model that is a FLOWER
Day 2 An origami model that MOVESDay 12 An origami model that is LONG
Day 3 An origami model that is WHITEDay 13 An origami model good for the HOLIDAY SEASON
Day 4 An origami model that is a CONTAINERDay 14 An origami model that has EARS
Day 5 An origami model that is TRADITIONALDay 15 An origami model that is RED
Day 6 An origami model that is BLACK& WHITEDay 16 An origami model that is MODULAR
Day 7 An origami model that is PRACTICALDay 17 An origami model that is BLUE
Day 8 An origami model that is ORANGEDay 18 An origami model that has a TAIL
Day 9 An origami model in the shape of a HEARTDay 19 An origami model that is GREEN
Day 10 An origami model that is FLAT

As an example, each prompt here is illustrated with an appropriate origami model that fits the theme. Many video tutorials for the models featured below are found free within Origami Spirit and some are found within Origamigos (the Origami Spirit Membership)

Bring the magic of origami from your fingertips to the world!

We celebrate origami by spreading the joy of paper folding during World Origami Days, held each year from October 24–November 11, a 2-1/2 week celebration of the international community of origami! 

  • October 24 is the birthday of Lillian Oppenheimer (1898-1992), who founded the first origami group in North America. She was also one of the founders of the British Origami Society and OrigamiUSA.
  • November 11 is Origami Day in Japan where the paper crane has become a symbol of peace.

Ready to show off your origami? Make sure you make a lovely paper shelf

Fold and share with us. Join our group FACEBOOK Group by clicking on this LINK


Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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