ABC to Z Alphabet Origami Challenge – Letter B

Participate in our ABC to Z origami challenge! Here you find paper-folding prompts to give you direction and ideas to fold and share origami related to the LETTER B.

During this ABC to Z origami challenge, we are sharing origami models or concepts related to each letter of the alphabet. Once a week, on Thursday, we announce a new letter and highlight some posts that people share on our Facebook group. You are welcome to join!

Letter B (Week 2 of 26)

You can share models that you have folded previously, or, you may fold new models based on the suggestions you find here. You can also use my prompts as a starting point to explore your own ideas.

The following are prompts and links to tutorials of origami that start with the letter B.

Feel free to fold or include any other model related to the letter B that might occur to you.

Bat (Tutorial)Butterfly (Tutorial)Blouse
Bee (Tutorial)Bloom (Tutorial)Blue
Bowtie (Tutorial)Box (Tutorial)Begonia
Birds (Tutorial)Basket (Tutorial)Bag
Boat (Tutorial)BalanceBolivia
Bunny (Tutorial)BisonBoot

When you share your origami models on the Origami Spirit Facebook Fan Group

  • Spell out the word related to your model. eg: “B is for________”
  • Write the name of the model designer, if known.
  • Share any other information about the model you can think of.
  • Use the hashtag #ABCOrigami

The origami letter ‘B’ and the letters for the word ‘Origami’ in the above picture were designed by Coen van Someren (Netherlands) and folded by Leyla Torres.


Origami ABC UPDATE: Origami Related to the Letter B

These are some of the posts shared by Origami Spirit Fans on our Facebook Group

Each caption notes the title and the name of the person who shared the picture (Look for a list of designers below the Photo Gallery).

01 Origami Bambi • Folder: Irmin Samudera –Designer: Quentin Trollip.
02 Origami Butterfly • Folder: Trichia Ashley –Designer: Phong Tran
03 Origami Book • Folder: Tara Woltjen –Designer: Tomoko Fuse
04 Origami Ball • Folder: Yumi Pham-Vu –Designer: Krystyna Burczyk (?)
05 Origami Buddista • Folder: Fabrizio Pianosi –Designer: Pierre Yves Gallard
06 Origami Boat • Folder and Designer: Steve-Vinik
07 Origami Bird • Folder: Kathryn Kelly –Designer: Keila Correa
08 Origami Bat • Folder: AndreaSlade –Designer: Adriano Mariani
09 Origami Box • Folder: Caritas Bringas –Designer: Paper Kawaii
10 Origami Button (Golden) • Folder and Designer: Natalia Becerra
11 Origami Bookmarks • Shared by: Joy Lin –Designer: Max D
12 Origami Box and Bettle • Folder: Rodrigo Naito –Designers: (?)


Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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